CentOS Linux 7 编译安装 GraphicsMagick 1.3.xx


GraphicsMagick 号称图像处理领域的瑞士军刀。 短小精悍的代码却提供了一个鲁棒、高效的工具和库集合,来处理图像的读取、写入和操作,支持超过 88 种图像格式,包括重要的 DPX 、GIF 、JPEG 、JPEG-2000 、PNG 、PDF 、PNM 和 TIFF 。

  • 通过使用 OpenMP 可以利用多线程进行图片处理,增强了处理能力;
  • GraphicsMagick 可以在绝大多数的平台上使用,Linux 、Mac 和 Windows 都没有问题;
  • GraphicsMagick 支持大图片的处理,并且已经做过 GB 级别的图像处理实验;
  • GraphicsMagick 能够动态的生成图片,特别适用于互联网的应用,还可以用来处理调整尺寸、旋转、加亮、颜色调整、增加特效等方面;
  • GaphicsMagick 不仅支持命令行的模式,同时也支持 C 、C++ 、Java 、Perl 、PHP 、Tcl 和 Ruby 等的调用;
  • 事实上,GraphicsMagick 是从 ImageMagick 5.5.2 分支出来的,但是现在他变得更稳定和优秀。

总而言之在命令行界面的 Linux 装上它,然后在 Java 里调用 GraphicsMagick 来处理图片,是非常好用的。


1、先去官网下载最新版的 GraphicsMagick :


如下图所示,把 tar.gz 的安装包下载回自己的电脑后再通过 FTP 上传到 Centos Linux 服务器(目前安装的是 1.3.29 ,也是当前最新的版本):

下载最新版的 GraphicsMagick
下载最新版的 GraphicsMagick

2、Ricky 个人是喜欢把一些临时文件放到 /tmp 目录下,所以请使用 FTP 把 tar.gz 的安装包上传到 /tmp 目录,然后解压:

[root@host ~]# cd /tmp
[root@host tmp]# tar -zxvf GraphicsMagick-1.3.29.tar.gz

3、在安装 GraphicsMagick 前还要安装或更新一些依赖包:

[root@host tmp]# yum install libpng libpng-devel zlib freetype -y
[root@host tmp]# yum update libpng libpng-devel zlib freetype -y

4、同时还要安装一个名为 jpegsrc 的小软件。

( 1 )如下图所示,复制 jpegsrc 的下载链接(目前安装的是 v9c ,也是当前最新的版本):


安装依赖 jpegsrc
安装依赖 jpegsrc

( 2 )先使用 yum 安装 wget(如果已经安装过,可忽略这步):

[root@host tmp]# yum -y install wget

( 3 )Ricky 个人是喜欢把一些临时文件放到 /tmp 目录下,所以进入 /tmp 目录,使用 wget 命令把 jpegsrc 的 tar.gz 包下载到这里,然后解压(或者下载到 PC 后,再通过 FTP 上传至 CentOS Linux ):

[root@host tmp]# cd /tmp
[root@host tmp]# wget http://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v9c.tar.gz
[root@host tmp]# tar -zxvf jpegsrc.v9c.tar.gz

( 4 )移除掉 libjpeg 和 libjpeg-devel 这两个 rpm 包(当前 yum 安装的这两个包版本太低,新版 GM 不支持,所以才需要额外安装 jpegsrc ):

[root@host tmp]# yum remove -y libjpeg libjpeg-devel

( 5 )进入解压出来的文件夹,在这里执行编译安装操作:

[root@host tmp]# cd jpeg-9c/
[root@host jpeg-9c]# ./configure
[root@host jpeg-9c]# make && make install

5、进入 /usr/lib64 目录,如果存在 libjpeg.so 和 libjpeg.so.62 这两个软链接,请删除掉:

[root@host jpeg-9c]# cd /usr/lib64

[root@localhost lib64]# ls -lh | grep libjpeg.so
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 root root   17 Nov 21 08:49 libjpeg.so -> libjpeg.so.62.1.0
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 root root   17 Aug 14 16:10 libjpeg.so.62 -> libjpeg.so.62.1.0
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 root root 279K Jun 10  2014 libjpeg.so.62.1.0

[root@host lib64]# rm -f libjpeg.so libjpeg.so.62

否则 GraphicsMagick 在使用过程中会报如下错误:

gm identify: Wrong JPEG library version: library is 62, caller expects 90

6、重新在 /usr/lib64 目录下建立有关于 libjpeg.so 的软链接:

[root@host lib64]# ln -s /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.so.9.3.0 /usr/lib64/libjpeg.so
[root@host lib64]# ln -s /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.so.9.3.0 /usr/lib64/libjpeg.so.9
[root@host lib64]# ln -s /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.so.9.3.0 /usr/lib64/libjpeg.so.9.3.0

7、编译安装 GraphicsMagick :

[root@host lib64]# cd /tmp/GraphicsMagick-1.3.29/
[root@host GraphicsMagick-1.3.29]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/GraphicsMagick --enable-shared=no --enable-static=yes
[root@host GraphicsMagick-1.3.29]# make && make install

./configure 命令(更多安装细节请参见 GraphicsMagick 官网):


[root@host GraphicsMagick-1.3.29]# cd ..
[root@host tmp]# rm -rf GraphicsMagick-1.3.29/ jpeg-9c/

9、添加 OpenMP 线程设置,并执行 source 命令使其马上生效:

[root@host tmp]# echo "export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4" >> /etc/profile
[root@host tmp]# source /etc/profile



1、查看 GraphicsMagick 所支持的图片格式:

[root@host tmp]# cd /usr/local/GraphicsMagick/bin/
[root@host bin]# ./gm convert -list formats
   Format L  Mode  Description
      3FR S  r--  Hasselblad Photo RAW
     8BIM P  rw-  Photoshop resource format
 8BIMTEXT P  rw-  Photoshop resource text format
8BIMWTEXT P  rw-  Photoshop resource wide text format
     APP1 P  rw-  Raw application information
 APP1JPEG P  rw-  Raw JPEG binary data
      ART S  rw-  PFS: 1st Publisher
      ARW S  r--  Sony Alpha DSLR RAW
      AVS U  rw+  AVS X image
        B S  rw+  Raw blue samples
      BMP P  rw-  Microsoft Windows bitmap image
     BMP2 P  -w-  Microsoft Windows bitmap image v2
     BMP3 P  -w-  Microsoft Windows bitmap image v3
        C S  rw+  Raw cyan samples
    CACHE U  ---  Magick Persistent Cache image format
     CALS S  rw-  Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support Type 1 image
            Specified in MIL-R-28002 and MIL-PRF-28002
  CAPTION P  r--  Image caption
      CIN S  rw-  Cineon Image File
     CMYK S  rw+  Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black samples
    CMYKA S  rw+  Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and opacity samples
      CR2 S  r--  Canon Photo RAW
      CRW S  r--  Canon Photo RAW
      CUR S  r--  Microsoft Cursor Icon
      CUT S  r--  DR Halo
      DCM S  r--  Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine image
            See http://medical.nema.org/ for information on DICOM.
      DCR S  r--  Kodak Photo RAW
      DCX S  rw+  ZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush
      DNG S  r--  Adobe Digital Negative
      DPX P  rw-  SMPTE 268M-2003 (DPX 2.0)
            See http://www.smtpe.org/ for information on DPX.
     EPDF P  rw-  Encapsulated Portable Document Format
      EPI P  rw-  Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
      EPS P  rw-  Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
     EPS2 P  -w-  Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript
     EPS3 P  -w+  Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript
     EPSF P  rw-  Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
     EPSI P  rw-  Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
      ERF S  r--  Epson RAW Format
     EXIF P  rw-  Exif digital camera binary data
      FAX P  rw+  Group 3 FAX (Not TIFF Group3 FAX!)
     FITS S  rw-  Flexible Image Transport System
  FRACTAL S  r--  Plasma fractal image
        G S  rw+  Raw green samples
      GIF P  rw+  CompuServe graphics interchange format (version 89a)
    GIF87 P  rw-  CompuServe graphics interchange format (version 87a)
 GRADIENT P  r--  Gradual passing from one shade to another
     GRAY S  rw+  Raw gray samples
    GRAYA S  rw+  Raw gray samples + alpha
HISTOGRAM P  -w-  Histogram of the image
      HRZ S  r--  HRZ: Slow scan TV
     HTML S  -w-  Hypertext Markup Language and a client-side image map
      ICB S  rw+  Truevision Targa image
      ICC P  rw-  ICC Color Profile
      ICM P  rw-  ICC Color Profile
      ICO S  r--  Microsoft Icon
     ICON S  r--  Microsoft Icon
 IDENTITY P  r--  Hald CLUT identity image
    IMAGE P  r--  GraphicsMagick Embedded Image
     INFO S  -w+  Image descriptive information and statistics
     IPTC P  rw-  IPTC Newsphoto
 IPTCTEXT P  rw-  IPTC Newsphoto text format
IPTCWTEXT P  rw-  IPTC Newsphoto text format
      JNG S  rw-  JPEG Network Graphics (libpng 1.5.13, zlib 1.2.7)
            See http://www.libpng.org/pub/mng/ for information on JNG.
      JNX S  r--  JNX: Garmin tile storage format
     JPEG P  rw-  Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format (IJG JPEG 90)
      JPG P  rw-  Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format (IJG JPEG 90)
        K S  rw+  Raw black samples
      K25 S  r--  Kodak Photo RAW
      KDC S  r--  Kodak Photo RAW
    LABEL P  r--  Image label
        M S  rw+  Raw magenta samples
      M2V S  -w+  MPEG Video Stream
      MAC S  r--  Mac Paint
      MAP U  rw-  Colormap intensities and indices
      MAT S  rw+  MATLAB Level 4.0-7.0 image formats
    MATTE S  -w+  MATTE raw opacity format
      MEF S  r--  Mamiya Photo RAW
     MIFF P  rw+  Magick Image File Format
      MNG S  rw+  Multiple-image Network Graphics (libpng 1.5.13, zlib 1.2.7)
            See http://www.libpng.org/pub/mng/ for information on MNG.
     MONO S  rw-  Bi-level bitmap in least-significant-byte first order
      MPC U  rw+  Magick Persistent Cache image format
     MPEG S  -w+  MPEG Video Stream
      MPG S  -w+  MPEG Video Stream
      MRW S  r--  Minolta Photo RAW
      MTV U  rw+  MTV Raytracing image format
      MVG S  rw-  Magick Vector Graphics
      NEF S  r--  Nikon Electronic Format
     NULL P  rw-  Constant image of uniform color
        O S  rw+  Raw opacity samples
      ORF S  r--  Olympus Photo RAW
      OTB S  rw-  On-the-air bitmap
       P7 S  rw+  Xv thumbnail format
      PAL S  rw-  16bit/pixel interleaved YUV
     PALM U  r--  Palm pixmap
      PAM P  rw+  Portable Arbitrary Map format
      PBM P  rw+  Portable bitmap format (black/white)
      PCD S  rw-  Photo CD
     PCDS S  rw-  Photo CD
      PCL S  -w+  Page Control Language
      PCT S  rw-  Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
      PCX S  rw-  ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush
      PDB S  rw+  Palm Database ImageViewer Format
      PDF P  rw+  Portable Document Format
      PEF S  r--  Pentax Electronic File
      PFA P  ---  Postscript Type 1 font (ASCII)
      PFB P  ---  Postscript Type 1 font (binary)
      PGM P  rw+  Portable graymap format (gray scale)
    PICON S  rw-  Personal Icon
     PICT S  rw-  Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
      PIX S  r--  Alias/Wavefront RLE image format
   PLASMA S  r--  Plasma fractal image
      PNG P  rw-  Portable Network Graphics (libpng 1.5.13, zlib 1.2.7)
            See http://www.libpng.org/ for information on PNG..
    PNG00 P  rw-  PNG that inherits type and depth from original (libpng 1.5.13, zlib 1.2.7)
    PNG24 P  rw-  24-bit RGB PNG, opaque only (libpng 1.5.13, zlib 1.2.7)
    PNG32 P  rw-  32-bit RGBA PNG, semitransparency OK (libpng 1.5.13, zlib 1.2.7)
    PNG48 P  rw-  opaque or binary transparent 48-bit RGB (libpng 1.5.13, zlib 1.2.7)
    PNG64 P  rw-  opaque or transparent 64-bit RGBA (libpng 1.5.13, zlib 1.2.7)
     PNG8 P  rw-  8-bit indexed PNG, binary transparency only (libpng 1.5.13, zlib 1.2.7)
      PNM P  rw+  Portable anymap
      PPM P  rw+  Portable pixmap format (color)
  PREVIEW S  -w-  Show a preview an image enhancement, effect, or f/x
       PS P  rw+  Adobe PostScript
      PS2 P  -w+  Adobe Level II PostScript
      PS3 P  -w+  Adobe Level III PostScript
      PWP U  r--  Seattle Film Works
        R S  rw+  Raw red samples
      RAF S  r--  Fuji Photo RAW
      RAS S  rw+  SUN Rasterfile
      RGB S  rw+  Raw red, green, and blue samples
     RGBA S  rw+  Raw red, green, blue, and matte samples
      RLA U  r--  Alias/Wavefront image
      RLE U  r--  Utah Run length encoded image
      SCT U  r--  Scitex HandShake
      SFW U  r--  Seattle Film Works
      SGI S  rw-  Irix RGB image
    SHTML S  -w-  Hypertext Markup Language and a client-side image map
      SR2 S  r--  Sony Photo RAW
      SRF S  r--  Sony Photo RAW
  STEGANO S  r--  Steganographic image
      SUN S  rw+  SUN Rasterfile
      SVG S  ---  Scalable Vector Graphics
     SVGZ S  ---  Scalable Vector Graphics (ZIP compressed)
     TEXT S  rw+  ASCII Text
      TGA S  rw+  Truevision Targa image
     TILE P  r--  Tile image with a texture
            Use the syntax "-size WIDTHxHEIGHT TILE:imagename" to tile the
            specified tile image over a canvas image of size WIDTHxHEIGHT.
      TIM S  r--  PSX TIM
    TOPOL S  r--  TOPOL X Image
      TTF P  ---  TrueType font
      TXT S  rw+  ASCII Text
      UIL U  -w-  X-Motif UIL table
     UYVY S  rw-  16bit/pixel interleaved YUV
      VDA S  rw+  Truevision Targa image
    VICAR S  rw-  VICAR rasterfile format
      VID S  rw+  Visual Image Directory
     VIFF S  rw+  Khoros Visualization image
      VST S  rw+  Truevision Targa image
     WBMP S  rw-  Wireless Bitmap (level 0) image
      WPG S  r--  Word Perfect Graphics
      X3F S  r--  Foveon X3 (Sigma/Polaroid) RAW
      XBM S  rw-  X Windows system bitmap (black/white)
       XC P  r--  Constant image uniform color
      XCF S  r--  GIMP image
      XMP P  rw-  Adobe XML metadata
      XPM S  rw-  X Windows system pixmap (color)
       XV S  rw+  Khoros Visualization image
        Y S  rw+  Raw yellow samples
      YUV S  rw-  CCIR 601 4:1:1 or 4:2:2 (8-bit only)

 Meaning of 'L': P=Primary, S=Stable, U=Unstable
[root@host bin]#

2、使用 GraphicsMagick 读取(识别)一个 jpg 文件:

[root@host bin]# ./gm identify /tmp/1.jpg
/tmp/1.jpg JPEG 98x59+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 1.9Ki 0.000u 0m:0.000004s

3、使用 GraphicsMagick 读取(识别)一个 png 文件:

[root@host bin]# ./gm identify /tmp/1.png
/tmp/1.png PNG 300x240+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 29.6Ki 0.000u 0m:0.000004s



